Stock Footage, Caribou Dam, 24FPS


Enhance your video projects with this HD stock footage, beautifully showcasing the water flowing over Caribou Dam on the picturesque Aroostook River in Caribou, Maine. Available in HD and 4K.


Enhance your video projects with this HD stock footage, beautifully showcasing the water flowing over Caribou Dam on the picturesque Aroostook River in Caribou, Maine. The shot captures the mesmerizing patterns of the water, providing an authentic touch for video editors aiming to add depth to their storytelling. Immerse your audience in the natural beauty of this captivating scene, perfect for elevating your creative vision.

Available in HD and 4K.

Additional information

Frame Rate

23.976 (24)

Length in Seconds



4K (3840×2160), HD (1920×1080)




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