HD Stock Footage, Cute Mouse Watches and Sniffs from Cast Iron Dutch Oven, 24 FPS


Elevate your video projects with our high-definition stock footage capturing a captivating closeup of a small gray mouse. In this enchanting slow-motion scene, the curious mouse gazes up from the water inside an antique cast iron Dutch oven, its inquisitive sniff adding a touch of wonder. Set against the backdrop of medium-tall grass, this unique footage brings a rustic charm that’s perfect for video editors and producers seeking to infuse their projects with natural magic.


Elevate your video projects with our high-definition stock footage capturing a captivating closeup of a small gray mouse. In this enchanting slow-motion scene, the curious mouse gazes up from the water inside an antique cast iron Dutch oven, its inquisitive sniff adding a touch of wonder. Set against the backdrop of medium-tall grass, this unique footage brings a rustic charm that’s perfect for video editors and producers seeking to infuse their projects with natural magic.

Additional information



Frame Rate

23.976 (24)


HD (1920×1080)

Length in Seconds



43.7 MB


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