Stock Footage Hornet Nest, 24 FPS


Explore the beauty of nature with our high-definition stock footage, featuring a closeup of a hornet’s nest hanging from a forest tree branch. This scene captures the hornets maintaining their nest, with some coming and going. Set against the forest backdrop, this unique footage adds a touch of nature’s wonder to your video editing toolkit. Great for video editors and producers looking to enhance their projects with a natural touch.


Explore the beauty of nature with our high-definition stock footage, featuring a closeup of a hornet’s nest hanging from a forest tree branch. This scene captures the hornets maintaining their nest, with some coming and going. Set against the forest backdrop, this unique footage adds a touch of nature’s wonder to your video editing toolkit. Great for video editors and producers looking to enhance their projects with a natural touch.

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4K (3840×2160), HD (1920×1080)


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